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Home > Past Rides > March 2009 Ride to Ravine Gardens

Last additions - March 2009 Ride to Ravine Gardens
1029 viewsOct 08, 2009
Ravine Gardens April 2009 001-1.jpg
1002 viewsOct 08, 2009
Ravine Gardens April 2009 002-1.jpg
1064 viewsOct 08, 2009
Ravine Gardens April 2009 004-1.jpg
837 viewsOct 08, 2009
Ravine Gardens April 2009 007-1.jpg
858 viewsOct 08, 2009
1000 viewsOct 07, 2009
1060 viewsOct 07, 2009
1020 viewsOct 07, 2009
1062 viewsOct 07, 2009
1100 viewsOct 07, 2009
1058 viewsOct 07, 2009
1107 viewsWe had a really great ride today, Saturday 3/28/09. Fred out did himself on this one! It would have been better with a better turn out of riders but there was a lot going on this weekend. Debbie, Marie Tony, George, Barbara, Fred, Jeanie & me (Frank) showed up. We took the George Town Loop up to the Lafittes Restaurant and they were all set up for us! This is a beautiful spot right on Lake George and the food was great and very reasonable! We left there with full bellies! We went out 17 on 309 & went to the Ravine Gardens in Palatka. I hadn't been here in 20 yrs and even though we missed the most of the blooming Azaleas it was still a nice park. We walked the 1 1/4 mile Azalea Trail and after that we took our bikes on the driving tour and then left for home. It was a great day! We even stopped for Ice Cream! We all thought this would make a good ride for Bike week, it was only 120 miles round trip from Deland. Around March 13 or 14th they have the Azalea Festival all weekend and we could call the ride the Azalea Trail. Fred looked into prices on renting the pavilion.Oct 07, 2009
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